All children, adolescents, and adults have innate strengths, gifts, and potential. However, when bright individuals experience learning problems, their gifts and strengths are frequently untapped and unrecognized. They are often seen more for their weaknesses than for their strengths; self-esteem is severely compromised. Many people suffer needlessly because of untreated learning differences, particularly unidentified reading and literacy processing differences.
Early identification and preventative research-based teaching methods significantly reduce reading and literacy difficulties for almost all children. Nevertheless, those who aren’t identified early can be taught to read, write, and spell successfully when proper evaluation, diagnosis, and evidence-based remediation are implemented,* learning styles are acknowledged, and all is underscored in an environment of trust, respect, and gentleness.
*75% of individuals identified as “learning disabled” have their primary deficit in reading, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.